Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Take the Challenge!

We all need to do something about climate change. Here's a chance to do some good for ourselves, our kids, our planet, and have fun doing it.

Goal: decrease your carbon footprint by the largest percentage compared to others in The Great Carbon Challenge.

Here’s how it works:
1. Create a challenge with your friends by sending an email to all the participants inviting them to join the challenge by coming to this website.
2. Participants enter their household data in the carbon calculator below. Keep your final score.
3. A month later (or longer), participants enter their data into the carbon calculator. Keep your final score.
4. Figure out your percentage change by using the following formula: ((First Score – Second Score) / First Score) X 100
5. Send your % difference to leader of the challenge.
6. Have a party (a green party!) to celebrate your accomplishments and announce the winner of The Great Carbon Challenge. (feel free to give an award to the winner! Be creative, it will be more fun!)

Tips: turn down the heat and the A/C; winterize your home; add insulation to your attic and walls; add weather stripping; drive less aggressively to improve your gas mileage; read up on Global Warning and Climate Change.

(The CoolClimate Calculator: Copyright (c) 2008, Regents of the University of California, Berkeley. All rights reserved. )